Escaping Radical Groups: Why Empathy and Resources are Critical Components

In our world, numerous groups promote toxic ideologies and maintain control over individuals. Despite their apparent differences, skinhead organizations and polygamist communities share striking similarities in their power dynamics. In this blog post, we will delve into these similarities, explore strategies to assist individuals in leaving these groups, and emphasize the significance of taking proactive steps rather than remaining passive bystanders.

In our latest episode on the Courage Conversation Show Tawni Browning shares how she has helped men and women escape polygamy and skinhead groups.

Watch her story here:

Unveiling the Parallels: A Closer Look at Skinhead and Polygamist Groups

While skinhead organizations and polygamist communities may diverge in terms of some of their ideologies, they both operate under an authoritarian structure that stifles individual autonomy. These groups are led by a charismatic figure, predominantly male, who dictates rules and manipulates members through fear, coercion, and isolation. Exploiting vulnerable individuals, these groups provide a twisted sense of belonging and purpose in exchange for unwavering loyalty. Recognizing these unsettling similarities is crucial to understanding how one can break free from their suffocating grip. Both skinheads and polygamist groups are founded on a sense of superiority over others. The former group’s violent tendencies are linked to their belief that white people are superior to other races; the latter group believes that men should dominate women. Polygamists and sk!nheads often use religion as an excuse for their oppressive lifestyle.

While we could spend many days just writing about the toxic ideology of these groups, in this post, we would like to focus on steps to helping people leave.

To do that, we must first understand that people join or stay in cult-like groups generally out of a misplaced desire for connection and community.

While many times the people at the top of these organizations are knowingly harmful and will not change, many times lower level participants in these dangerous cults can be deprogrammed and set on a healthy, safer path.

Helping people escape will require alerting them to the fact that community and connection can be found in healthier ways and making them aware of the harm they are causing by staying in the group.

Guiding Others Towards Freedom and Alternatives:

1. Disseminating Information and Resources:

A paramount step in assisting someone to leave these groups is to provide them with comprehensive information and resources. Educate them about the stark realities and dangers associated with these groups, helping them envision a future beyond the suffocating restrictions they endure. Offer documentaries, books, and survivor stories that offer perspective and enable them to make informed decisions.

2. Extending Empathy and Support:

Escaping a radical group involves tremendous emotional turmoil and uncertainty. It is crucial to create a safe space where individuals can express themselves without fear of judgment. Show empathy and extend support, emphasizing that their decision to leave is not only courageous but also commendable and resources are available every step of the way.


3. Facilitating Positive Alternatives:

Upon leaving these groups, individuals often struggle to find a sense of purpose and belonging in the outside world. Provide them with positive alternatives that align with their values and passions. Encourage them to explore educational opportunities, career paths, art, and involvement in healthy community organizations. Help foster a supportive network where they can connect with like-minded individuals who facilitate personal growth and acceptance.

Taking Action: Rejecting Apathy for Active Empowerment

Now, more than ever, it is imperative to actively counter the influence of radical groups. Harmful actions must be held accountable. We must refuse to play a passive role and instead become active allies in standing against abuse but also in empowering others to break free from cult communities and find healthier alternatives.

Relevant Links:

- Tawni’s Husband’s Twitter:

- Tawni’s Facebook:

- Tawni’s Website:

- Matt and Tawni’s book: The Hate Next Door: Undercover within the New Face of White Supremacy 

- Text message service: To sign up, text the word "courage" to 917-809-7311

- Courage 365: Facebook Group -


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